Frequently Asked Questions

​​​​​​​​​​​Note: Unless noted otherwise, the following information applies to consolidated agencies only. Non-consolidated agencies should conduct business as normal.

​​​COT can provide many services associated with infrastructure optimization, including reviews of network and/or application architecture, sizing exercises, and performance tuning.  To engage a COT engineer for these services, have your authorized IT Services Contact​ submit a detailed request via email to​. Please include a billing number, as hourly consulting ​rates may ​apply.​​

​The Project Management Branch not only administers the Enterprise Project Reporting standards, they also provide services such as project management, program management, and portfolio management.  However, if an agency requires mentoring sessions or training information to improve skillsets of internal employees, COT can also offer support and guidance or act as a resource to share information regarding upcoming training opportunities.  Please send your request for project management services to​

COT’s Application Development team can provide development services or assistance on many application platforms.  Your IT Services Contact may send a request for development, along with COT billing number, to​

Before you apply for a COT billing number, check with your agency’s accounting office to determine if one has already been issued.  If a COT billing number has not been assigned, have your agency’s financial officer or accounting office send a Request for Customer Account Number Establishment form (COT-F100) to​.

​​​Your IT Services Contact will need to submit a Procurement Request Form (COT-F180)  complete with COT billing number and number of users/devices to​.  An engineer will work with you to make sure your internet connection is sized and scaled appropriately, then present you with a quote for monthly service.  Note that connecting a new location to the state network requires 90 business days.

An information security incident is an event that violates security policies or standards, or threatens IT systems or resources. This can include disclosing sensitive information such as health records, making unauthorized changes to Commonwealth data, or causing unnecessary disruption to Commonwealth resources or networks. COT’s response plan reacts to security incidents to eliminate the threat and return the systems and resources to normal and secure business operations.

When a potential security incident is identified, policy CIO-090 requires you to contact the Commonwealth Service Desk immediately by calling 502-564-7576. The Security Incident Report Form (COT-F012) may be used, if helpful. In the event that the incident is sensitive in nature and you wish to bypass the Commonwealth Service Desk, you may contact the Security Administration Branch at​ or 502-564-1532 ​directly.

If your state-issued equipment was lost or stolen, take the following actions:
  • Immediately contact the Commonwealth Service Desk at 502-564-7576 or toll-free 800- 372-7434 to report the incident and to request a ticket to have your computer disabled.  If the incident involves data that is sensitive in nature, you may contact the Security Office directly at or 502-564-1532.   
  • Immediately report the loss or theft to the relevant law-enforcement agency.  You must obtain a copy of the police report.  Once a copy of the policy report is received, please email a scanned copy to and request it be attached to your ticket.   
  • ​You may obtain a replacement device by submitting a request via email to  Please note that this must require authorization from an authorized IT Services Contact​.

Your agency’s Security Contact will need to send an email requesting a security assessment to​.  Please include your billing number, as hourly consulting rates may apply.

Requests to unblock websites or web content must be submitted by or contain approval from a management authority at Division Director level or above.  Your IT Services Contact​ may forward this written approval, along with the website’s complete URL, justification to unblock, and COT billing number to​.

Your Security Contact will need to send an email requesting a SSL certificate and your agency's COT billing number to​. COT web content management staff will be assigned to respond to your request.

Your Security Contact will need to send a completed Security Exemption Request to​. The provided link will take you to the list of available exemption requests. A COT security staff member will be assigned to review to your request.  Note that every effort should be made to adhere to all Enterprise IT Policies.  Security Exemption Requests are considered to be short-term solutions and are reviewed on an Annual Basis.​

Your IT Services Contact will need to submit a Staff Service Request COT-F181 form indicating your name, the server/database name, and the approved level of access to​.  If the server or database is in a Production environment or contains Production data (i.e. a copy of a Production database in a Test/QA environment), a Security Exemption Request COT-F085 form must be submitted as well.  The COT-F085 form is also required in the following scenarios:
  • When granting access to any vendor or support entity outside of state government;
  • When granting administrator-level privileges to operators not employed by COT;
  • When requesting non-expiring passwords for user accounts (service accounts are excluded per policy CIO-072​).   

Information about password requirements can be found on Commonwealth Password Reset page: If you experience trouble when attempting to login, you may contact the Commonwealth Service desk by email at or by phone at 502-564-7576 (toll-free 800-372-7434).  COT also offers a COT Self-Service option for password reset.​

Your Human Resources Contact, or IT Services Contact​, must submit an Onboarding New User Guide request, including the COT billing number to the Commonwealth Service Desk at​.  This form is used to establish basic services such as email, computer, and VPN services.

​​​​Your Human Resources Contact or IT Services Contact must submit a Staff Service Request Form (COT-F181EZ) to  Alternatively, the COT-F181​ form is recommended for employees serving in an IT role, as it includes options for specialized access to technology resources.  Please include the COT billing number, and be sure to mark the appropriate VPN selection on the form.

If you find the resources available on your assigned computer are not adequate, you may petition your IT Services Contact for a higher-performance device.  If approved, your IT Services Contact may submit a request for the desired upgrade (i.e. larger or multiple monitors, additional RAM, larger hard disk) along with COT billing number to  A member of COT’s Division of Field Services will provide a quote for the upgrade.  The agency will be responsible for the cost of any components not included in the standard rate descriptions​.  

If your job requires that you use specialized software not already pre-installed on your computer, you may petition your IT Services Contact for the product you need.  If approved, your IT Services Contact may send an email to to request a license and/or quote.  Please include details about versioning, and a link to the manufacturer’s website, if possible.  Our Software Asset Managers will research the software costs and purchasing options, and provide a quote.
Please note that any software not included on the Kentucky IT Standards will require an exception or additional request​.​

The Commonwealth has contracted with Xerox to offer Managed Print Services​ to state government agencies.  This includes the installation and maintenance of all shared print devices.   

An individual with spending authority for your agency may contact COT by way of the Commonwealth Service Desk​.  Our Director of Field Services or a designee will discuss service options and rates with your agency’s leadership.  A memorandum of agreement may be written to specify roles and responsibilities and the terms of support.

​Intra-office moves may be initiated by your supervisor or manager by sending an email to  Please include the name(s) of the individual(s) who are moving, as well as current and future locations.  Note that large numbers or complex equipment moves may result in a fee.
When staff and equipment are moving to another building, the IT Services Contact​ must submit completed Staff Service Request Forms (COT-F181 or COT-F181EZ) for each employee.  Desktop support technicians will work with the agency to gather details and prepare for the move.

​Your agency’s Human Resources Contact or IT Services Contact​ must submit a Staff Service Request Form (COT-F181EZ​) including the COT billing number to​.  This form is used to establish basic services such as email, computer, and VPN services.  Alternatively, the COT-F181​ form is recommended for employees serving in an IT role, as it includes options for specialized access to technology resources.​

​Your IT Services Contact should send a completed COT Procurement Request Form (COT-F180) to​.  Please indicate the type of storage needed, the server or device name (if known) and list any affected applications.  Please include the COT billing number, as additional storage rates may apply.

COT offers fully managed support for virtual and physical servers and various operating systems (see the Kentucky Information Technology Standards for a list of supported hardware and software platforms).  Your IT Services Contact may submit an email to indicating your need for a new environment, or expansion/change of an existing one.  Please list as many known details as possible, including desired server specs, operating systems, etc., and your COT billing number.  The Server Request Form (COT-F045​) is particularly helpful, and should be used whenever possible.

Inform your IT Services Contact of the files or file systems to be backed up and the details of the backup requirements, then request that he or she submit a completed Procurement Request Form (COT-F180​) to​.  The form should include your billing number, as additional storage rates may apply.

By default all Production servers are monitored for up/down status once they are built.  However, to ensure your application is fully monitored, your IT Services Contact​may submit a request to with the following information:
  • Name of each server hosting the application (if known)
  • Function of each server (application, web, DB, etc.)
  • Workflow of server connectivity, including port numbers (Visio diagrams are helpful)
  • Any URLs to be monitored
  • Any developed (non-Microsoft) services to be monitored
  • Name of each database\database instance used by the application
  • Any clustering information (physical and virtual nodes)
  • Other components requiring monitoring (logs, transactions, etc.)
  • Any known issues and remediation steps, for automated error handling (best effort)
  • COT billing number

Customers may inquire about COT’s Disaster Recovery services by contacting the Commonwealth Service Desk​ and requesting a consultation with the COT Disaster Recovery Coordinator.  The DR Coordinator and other COT subject matter experts will work with the application owner to ensure data is properly protected, using a combination of backups and real-time replication.

Your IT Services Contact​ must submit a completed Order for Production Print Services (COT-F070) form, along with your agency’s billing number to

​An IT Services Contact​ must submit a completed Equipment Installation/Removal Form (COT-F059) along with COT billing number to​.  Effective June 1, 2014, no equipment will be installed or removed at the Commonwealth or Alternate Data Center unless proper procedures are followed, per enterprise policy CIO-059).

Operational changes made to existing applications may be submitted by the application owner, development lead or project manager on the Change Ticket Request Form​ via email to
For application code deployments or software releases, please refer to the Enterprise Release Management Policy​.  These requests should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the anticipated implementation date. Please be aware there are maintenance windows that have been set by COT for various types of changes to maintain the availability of production systems. The execution of your change ticket will be scheduled within these maintenance windows unless there is a business reason to do otherwise.

CLEO Streem desktop fax solution is managed by Xerox as part of the Managed Print Services program.  Xerox is responsible for the setup, management, and billing of the service. To obtain this service, go to​, download the CLEO Streem account request form, and submit it to Xerox according to the instructions on the form.

​Your Human Resources Contact or IT Services Contact must submit a Staff Service Request Form (COT-F181EZ) including the COT billing number to the Commonwealth Service Desk at  To request phone service that will not be dedicated to an employee, such as a courtesy phone in a common area, send an email detailing the request along with COT billing number to the Commonwealth Service Desk at​.​​​​​

​Your IT Services Contact​ should submit a Procurement Request Form (COT-F180) complete with COT billing number via email to​. A telecommunications engineer will work with your agency to find the best solution to fit your business need and budget.

​Your IT Services Contact​ should submit a Procurement Request Form (COT-F180) complete with COT billing number via email to​. Please include the current and new addresses, as well as the planned move date.​

COT offers technical guidance and information to assist your agency in complying with Meeting Protocols.  On-line meeting software is a platform of web-based intuitive products and COT has a few recommendations to help you select what will fit your conferencing needs.  Microsoft Teams and Zoom Teleconferencing​ are 2 platforms most commonly used.  

Your Human Resources Contact, or IT Services Contact​, must submit an Onboarding New User Guide request, including the COT billing number to the Commonwealth Service Desk at​.  This form is used to establish basic services such as email, computer, and VPN services. The domain hosts email for most Executive Branch state agencies. If your agency is not part of the Executive Branch, please contact the Commonwealth Service Desk for information on obtaining email service. ​​​

To permit another employee to send email on your behalf your HR Contact​ or IT Services Contact​ must submit a request to the Commonwealth Service Desk. Once fulfilled, the employee will be able to send messages from your email address.  These messages will include the “Sent on behalf of” header, which lets the recipient know the message is being sent by your representative, not yourself. 
To permit another employee full privileges to view your email and to send email under your identity, you will need to complete COT-F084 (select the option “Vacant Position – Temporary”).  Be aware this form requires multiple signatures, due to the fact that this enables the other party to appear as you in email communications, without the “Sent on behalf of” qualifier mentioned above.  Once completed, the form should be submitted to COT’s Security Administration Branch at​

To permit an employee to read or send email on behalf of a Group or Resource mailbox (i.e. calendar or conference room), simply submit a request via email to the Commonwealth Service Desk.  The request will need to be submitted by, or contain approval from an HR Contact or IT Services Contact​.​

If you receive unsolicited or inappropriate email such as SPAM, you may report it to  Please follow the steps  below to ensure proper reporting, then review picture for further guidance:
  • In your Outlook Inbox, highlight the unsolicited or inappropriate email that you wish to copy.   (NOTE:  It is important to highlight the email from your inbox listing as demonstrated in example above.  Do not  open the email and attempt to copy the email contents.)
  1. Highlight the spam message in the Outlook Folder.
  2. Press CTRL+ALT+F.  This will open a new email with the highlighted email attached.​
  3. Send it to the COT Phishing Reporting at​​​
  • Alternatively, you may have a Report Phish icon on the far right of the Outlook ribbon. See the image below:
​​​Report Phishing

Yes, you may access your email at​.  Simply enter your Windows username in the DOMAIN\Username format (i.e. CHFS\jane.doe), then enter your Windows password.

Still have questions?

Please contact the Commonwealth Service Desk so we may ​assist ​you.​

Contact ​Us

Requesting​​ COT Services Requires ​Agency​ Approval

The Agency ​Contact Listing provides authorized Human Resource, IT Services, Compliance, ​and Security Contacts for each agency.