Agency Contacts

​​Agency Human Resources Contact

Agency Human Resource Contacts are resources whom have been approved to submit requests for the establishment, modification and deletion of end user identities and access. These resources must also have pending authority for core services such as email. They should understand basic identity protection and privacy practices, and be well-versed in completing and submitting the necessary forms.

Agency IT Services Contact

Agency IT Services Contacts are resources that have been approved to request rated and non-rated services from COT (i.e. hardware, software, voice/data services, disk space). These resources should have basic knowledge of COT rated services, and should be well-versed in completing and submitting the necessary forms.

Agency Compliance Contact

Agency Compliance Contacts are resources that have been approved to serve as the central point of contact for compliance related matters such as audit and compliance. These contacts should have an understanding of the various business units within the agency in order to serve as the business side coordinator for requests that involve matters of compliance with state, local, and federal regulatory compliance.

Agency Security Contact

Agency Security Contacts are resources that have been approved to serve as the focal point for security-related issues specifically affecting the agency. The agency contact will communicate with COT Security on issues of importance regarding the security of the agency's data, and computing resources. As such, these resources should be able to act and respond in a timely manner to the information received, based on the agency's established policies and procedures.

Agency Management

Agency Management (Director or above) are authorized to submit and/or approve service and procurement requests on behalf of the Cabinet/Agency in case of emergency and to review and approve changes to the approval lists.

Agency Contacts

Agency approval​ is required when requesting COT Services. The Age​ncy Co​ntact Listing provides authorized Human Resource, IT Services, Compliance, and Security Contacts for each agency.

Requesting COT Services

COT offers a variety of services to assist the agencies to accomplish their tasks. For information about these COT services visit "Rates, Products & Services" and "Requesting COT Services​".